Multi-Channel Automotive Advertising and Marketing Agency

Digital Advertising


Measurable Results

The Right Ad At The Right Time For What Customers Want

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Digital Content Marketing


Build Trust & Credibility

Engaging Methods To Build Shopper Confidence To Buy

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Traditional Advertising


From Concept To Creation

We Handle It All!

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Digital Advertising



Chumney & Associate's Digital Advertising maximizes your advertising budget by using today's most innovative SEM tools to reach shoppers wherever they are online. These days, people check email on their watch. They watch TV on their phones. They make phone calls from their computers. Technology is more ingrained and interchangeable than ever in our daily lives.

Whether your customers are using search engines, checking their inbox, watching videos, or surfing social media, your ad budget is optimized for success and will spend to target with our programmatic approach. Using your own sales data, we create a pinpoint strategy designed to reach the shoppers you need, and your campaign travels across the internet through targeted display, social advertising, video advertising, dynamic VIN advertising, and Gmail and Lightbox ads.

Once your new strategy goes live, you'll stay in the loop on how your campaigns are doing with an extranet dashboard and scheduled sends. These real-time analytics will prove that you made the intelligent decision to put Chumney & Associates in charge of your automotive advertising.

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Digital Content Marketing


With Automotive Digital Content Marketing from Chumney & Associates, every campaign your dealership runs will reach shoppers at every online destination.

At one time, automotive advertising involved the traditional methods to bring foot traffic into your showroom. Mailers, newspaper ads, TV commercials, and radio spots served as your main ways to get your dealership message to the masses.

Today, your dealership must be available online for shoppers to find you. However, an amazing website isn't enough if shoppers don't see it. Your dealership's campaign running the traditional advertising routes needs to expand its reach. You need digital search domination. That's what Chumney & Associates accomplishes with its Automotive Digital Content Marketing, which consists of Automotive Website Management and Social Media and Reputation Management.

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"Since hiring Chumney & Associates to optimize my websites, I am now ranked #1 organically across all search platforms and my web traffic has increased 200%. We couldn't ask for better service!"

  • Shawn Esfahani
  • Owner
  • SEAM Auto Group

Traditional Advertising



Chumney & Associates knows that the traditional methods of automotive advertising aren't going anywhere, and our services provide the exposure to drive sales. Shoppers still watch TV, listen to the radio, check their mailboxes, and see billboards, but the goal is to get them in your showroom. That's where we come in.

As we do with every new client, we want to get to know you. We meet with you to define your market and develop your brand. We study your sales and demographics as well to discover your target audience and create your perfect message and overall advertising strategy that we can create in-house and use in traditional media as well as your online presence.

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"Chumney & Associates' in-house studios and top-notch editors ensure my spots are impactful and cut through the clutter. To top it off, they make sure everything is consistent across all the different media, whether it's our TV, Radio, print or on the net, we know we will be advertising with one solid message everywhere. It's an excellent approach that amplifies our message bigtime!"

  • Frank Gonzalez
  • Vice President
  • Bev Smith Automotive Group

Drive Showroom Traffic With Custom-Tailored Digital-Marketing Solutions

Our team of specialists create dynamic online visitor experiences that encourage interactions with prospects, who will then be compelled to do business with you. From conquest to branding, we help you maximize your ad dollars while delivering a consistent message across all your marketing channels.

Let's Discuss Your Game Plan

CALL (864) 297-7022

South Carolina
68 Pointe Cir. Ste 2203
Greenville, SC 29615
Tel: (864) 297-7022
Fax: (864) 297-7024
660 U.S. 1, 2nd Floor
North Palm Beach, FL 33408
Tel: (561) 882-0066
Fax: (561) 249-7243